Sunday, September 23, 2007

When Giver Gives, Gives in Abundance....

The title of the post draws upon the pearls of wisdom showered upon us mortals in Hera Pheri... a.k.a "dene wala deta jab bhi, deta chappar phaad ke..." :-). And the trigger for this thought was the fact that this is my second post in the same day. My return to blog-land after an extended hiatus is really proving to be a roller-coaster of emotions for faithful readers..... sniff sniff.....

You honestly cannot have expected really interesting events since my last post. I am taking the easy way out and reviewing a delightful movie I saw recently - Ratatouille. Well, needless to say, the movie rocks. I am self-confessed fan of animated movies in general (Shrek, Ice Age, The Emperor's Last Groove, Surf's Up, Simpsons) and Pixar in specific (Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Incredibles). Ratatouille is a heart-warming and delightful movie in the Disney genre which you would want to take your kids to. However, given my no-kids-in-the-horizon status, that alone is hard to justify my appreciation for the movie. The movie reminds one of the clean and good-at-heart entertainment during our childhood (courtesy censorship by parents obviously :-)). The characterization is top-class and full credit to Pixar for making an rat (ugghhhh!!!!) into a cute and likable protagonist with remarkably expressive eyes. After stomping all over the blog with my goody-two-shoes, I should also make special mention of "Surf's up". This is a movie which few have heard of, and even fewer have watched, which is a real pity! A smart and witty movie featuring cute penguins and targeted at a slightly mature audience (with references to reality shows, egotism, etc), the movie rocks and is work a dekko.

Till the next post, if and when I have the inspiration and time, I leave you with a sample of my creativity at office. My limited attempts at poetry have been met with winces and groans in the past. Luckily, the blogging medium insulates from such forms of instant feedback. If you do not wish to spare me my misery, your comments are welcome and shall contribute towards realizing my medium-term goal of writing a post completely in prose - to borrow from Vikram Seth......

Office office go away...

Going home early needs a lot of luck,
Here we are, in office, stuck,
Till the early morn and the rooster’s cluck.

Thought about going to a movie,
And watching Sivaji babe get groovy.

Fate has other plans, it seems,
The gold tooth of manager catbert gleams,
And trashes all these fancy dreams.


Faiz said...

insightful verse doode :) ..
btw .. surfs up deserves a full post of its own bey .. solidd stuff hai ..

PrashantPathki said...

excellent poetry ..........pata nahi tha yeah bhi talent hai :))..

Unknown said...

@ faiz - well, a friend was shocked that office could inspire poetry, but thats the effect "the bench" has on people!! I shall definitely reserve "surf's up" for lazy occasions when movie reviews appear on a regular basis :)

@ prashant - "yeh bhi talent hai" eh? - thanks for the subtle compliments, though I wouldn't mind you elaborating :)