Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mirror, Mirror, in the Hall

The attention-grabbing “Wakes you” campaign of the most-read daily in Mumbai is not an exaggeration by any means! Backed by their extensive investigative research, the indefatigable team strives to get meaningful and insightful stories happening right here, right now to a table near you! Which explains why the focus never strays from rainy days, events blasé and stray strays. You can’t fault their logic really, as these arguably form the most ‘current’ news stories that you can get.

However, one gets the feeling that a vicious cycle is emerging. While people were previously content with schmoozing their way into Page 3, the new trend emerging is to perpetrate gory and spine-chilling crimes to stake their claim to fame. Even more worrisome, on introspection, I think the depressing and morbid scenario seems to be rubbing off on me as I start a beautiful day! Please note that this is a hypothesis, and is purely speculative. Therefore, it cannot be used in any manner in a court of law or for any law enhancement activity. This disclaimer is especially important in recent times due to the reckless spate of frivolous arrests in connection with crimes that have pricked a nation’s conscience.

For the uninitiated, Vikrant is my flat-mate who has not graced his humble abode in over a month now. My maid and watchmen have started giving me suspicious looks as to why Vikrant is not to be seen of late. The problem is aggravated by the fact that Vikrant makes it a point to make conversation with the watchman, cobbler, newspaperman, etc to ensure continued exercise of his facial muscles. He is therefore the bright point of many souls’ life and my taciturn demeanor does not exactly endear myself to the aforementioned. Add to this my being a ‘migrant’ in an increasingly regionally-polarized society, and you have Mr. Murphy rubbing his hands with unconcealed glee. I therefore send occasional spam e-mails to office junta marking Vikrant just to entice him to rely and ensure there is documentary proof of his continued existence.

Word has it that the venerable Mirror’s foot soldiers have been spotted in the neighborhood recently. Sleep is a luxury that will not come easy in the near future. Sigh!!!

PS: Blogging after nearly a year feels strange. But ‘working at client site’ permits such small mercies after long last J